

About Us

Since launched in 1999, the site has played many roles. What started off as a multiplayer PC gaming portal, QuakeSpy, eventually became a multiplatform editorial destination, and then (under the leadership of corporate parent IGN Entertainment) a combination comedy blog/serious-business features site. Nowadays, we’ve gone back to our roots and embraced PC gaming once more!

What this means for you is simple: We’re committed to the serious PC gamer, but we’re pragmatic about it. We strive to be accessible, informative, and insightful, covering the entire spectrum of PC games and the hardware that runs them — without burying you in a bunch of dull technical minutiae. We want to show you how to get the best PC gaming experience possible, how to get more mileage out of the games you already own, where to turn for new experiences that you might not know about just yet, and how it all fits into the greater gaming spectrum. Education, Longevity, Discovery, and Culture are our hallmarks here.

We hope you enjoy reading the new-and-improved GameSpy as much as we enjoy making it. Here’s a look at the brilliant minds that make the PC gaming magic happen!

rip GameSpy – SixaraTM


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